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Truffle salt is a delicacy that is available in shops across France, Italy, Switzerland and the United States. It is known as the “cheap Truffle” (pronounced chee-TOO) because it usually costs less than a cent per gram. However, not only is it cheap but it is also very tasty. A single grater will contain enough truffle for several meals. Truffles are very fragile and need to be stored in air-tight containers when not being used. This makes them ideal for those on a budget who wish to enjoy a delicious dessert without the high costs of a meal.

truffle salts

Unlike other pastries, truffle salts do not have to contain any sugar to taste good and they do not have any calories because they are naturally fat-free. Most truffle salts contain 95% refined sea salt along with 5% black truffle salt, which has zero carbs, zero sugars, no fats and zero grams of protein per serving. Because truffle salt has zero carbs, it is free to be used on any low- or ketogenic diet since truffle salt does not contain any carbohydrates.

The nutritional and health benefits of truffle salts make them an ideal snack or part of a healthy diet. Because truffle salts contain a high-quality sea salt with no chemicals and additives, there are no artificial preservatives or colors. Sea salt is also a great alternative because it maintains its flavor even after it has been exposed to the air, is generally void of any toxins, and its nutritional properties maintain throughout the years. Also, sea salt has a high-quality calcium content, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc which makes it a fantastic source of dietary fiber.

Traditionally, truffle salts have been used as a food seasoning but recently, they have begun to gain popularity as a trend. With this newfound fame came increased demand for this salty treat and made way for consumers to enjoy the health benefits of truffle salts. In addition to the many health benefits, truffle salts have also become a favorite ingredient in many fine dining restaurants. Truffle manufacturers now offer truffle salts in a variety of different flavors such as raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, mint and even citrus. Popular black truffle salt brands are Luxury Goods, Gourmet Black Truffle, Mela Matson and Valerian.

Truffle salt has become so popular that many people are trying to find ways to make it themselves at home. While making truffle salt is not difficult, it does take time and effort and sometimes ingredients can be difficult to find. That is why the internet is the best place to find low-carb truffle salts because you have the entire world at your fingertips. The good news is that the health benefits from truffle salts, especially when used in low-carb recipes, are remarkable.

Truffle salt has a very high concentration of magnesium, sodium and potassium which makes it extremely healthy. For example, magnesium is found in all kinds of foods such as nuts, seeds, oranges, legumes and whole grains whereas sodium is found in table salt. It is sodium that contributes to high blood pressure and contributes to symptoms of stroke and coronary disease. By including truffle salts in your diet, you can greatly reduce your risk of these kinds of health issues.

Other than the many health benefits of truffle salt, it is also a popular ingredient in low-fat and high-fiber diets because it adds a very nice flavor. For example, low-fat diets tend to use less salt than high-fiber diets and more healthy alternatives like fresh produce and nuts and seeds are used. Moreover, using truffle salt on a regular basis helps remove toxins from our bodies. Truffles contain a chemical called berberine which actually kills bacteria. Berberine is commonly found in green tea and in certain fruits and vegetables like strawberries, spinach and bee pollen. The antibacterial properties of the herb fight numerous types of bacteria which cause disease like Candida infections, shingles and ringworm.

You may have already realized that a well-balanced, low-fat, low-calorie diet will always lead to weight loss if you make the right choices. One of those choices is to use a low-carbohydrate, high-protein and low-sodium (salt) diet. Adding truffle salt to the diet is like adding another spice to the steak! You can eat your favorite beef steak with truffle salt and know you are eating a healthy and tasty meal. This is something you would not have the time or the inclination to do if your goal was weight loss.