What Is News?

May 27, 2023 | Blog

By Gerald

News is anything that affects the daily lives of people – it could be big or small. Whether it’s a coup in the neighbouring country, an assassination or even something as mundane as weather conditions.

The stories that get the most attention are those that relate to people. This is because they are relevant to their lives.

What is news?

News is information about something that has happened recently or which is still happening. It is usually presented by a journalist, either in print or on television or radio. People like to read or listen to news because it enables them to keep up with current events and happenings around them. News can also provide a warning about things that are happening which might affect them. The news media often focuses on serious issues such as war, natural disasters and crime, but they can also report on lighter stories such as celebrities and sporting events.

A key factor in whether an event will be considered newsworthy is whether it is new. A story that has already happened cannot be news, even if it is unusual, significant or interesting. For example, the assassination of Mrs Gandhi is not newsworthy because it has been reported in previous newspapers. However, if some new facts about that assassination were to be revealed for the first time then this would become newsworthy.

Another important factor is whether the news is likely to be of interest to readers or listeners. People have a great interest in reading or hearing about things that are interesting or exciting. For this reason, stories about violence and scandal tend to attract more attention and reader interest than stories that do not. People are also interested in hearing about the activities of famous personalities. This is why stories about film stars, sports players and politicians are often of interest to the public.

It is also important to consider whether the news is likely to cause fear in the reader or listener. While many people are interested in hearing about important or interesting events, not all of them want to hear about things that may make them feel fearful or uncomfortable.

Finally, it is important to remember that although journalists try to be objective, they are not completely free from the influence of their own beliefs and prejudices. These influences are tempered by the news values stressed by their profession, but they are always present to some degree.

What makes a story a news story?

When writing a news story, it is important to have clear and concise information. Readers do not pick up a newspaper or watch TV to be bored and will abandon a story that is difficult to understand or read.

Another aspect of a news story that makes it compelling is its timeliness. The term “news” means new, so events that have recently happened are more likely to be featured than those that have occurred far in the past. The number of people affected by a particular event is also a factor; for example, a plane crash that killed hundreds of people would be more significant than one that only injured a few.

A news article should also include a dateline and a byline. The dateline indicates where the news originated and the byline identifies the author of the piece. It is important to note that news stories should always be attributed to the source from which the reporter gathered the information. This can be done by using direct quotes from the source or paraphrasing. It is not acceptable to make up or rephrase information for a news story.

Generally speaking, a news story will feature either hard or soft news topics. Hard news is full of information and facts about a specific topic or issue, while a soft news story focuses on the human element of a certain event or situation. Examples of a hard news story could be a report on the increase of HIV cases among heterosexual women or a story about an airplane crash that resulted in dozens of deaths.

It is also important to consider the audience when deciding what information should be included in a news story. For example, a story about illegal dumping of toxic waste in a river will be more interesting to readers who live near the area than those who live in another state or country. Similarly, stories about politicians or celebrities are more likely to be featured than those about average citizens. This is because the public is interested in what is going on in their own backyards and are often concerned about the actions of those who represent them in government or business.

What makes a story not a news story?

There is an old saying in the news business, “if it bleeds, it leads.” Stories that involve loss of life or property are more likely to be newsworthy. The proximity of the story also factors in, as does its impact on readers. A house fire that kills several people in a small town is much more newsworthy than a wildfire in California.

Conflict is another key element of newsworthiness. Humans are innately interested in conflict, which adds drama and excitement to any event. Think of any good novel or movie you’ve ever seen-they all have some type of conflict that keeps the audience engaged. Conflict can make a boring topic such as a city budget meeting exciting and interesting.

Prominence is a factor in newsworthiness as well. Certain people, such as politicians and entertainers, are more known than others. A shoe being thrown at an average person might not make the news, but throwing it at the president of the United States certainly would.

Another important factor is timeliness. Stories that happened a few weeks ago are no longer newsworthy, but those that happen today are newsworthy right away. The fact that a story is new and has not been reported before also makes it newsworthy.

How do we know if a story is a news story?

There are several ways to tell if an article is legitimate news. One way is to look at the source of the story. Legitimate news articles are sourced from reputable sources, and they should include information about the author of the article and their affiliations. They should also answer the critical questions of who, what, why, where, and when. They should not contain any blatantly false content, and they should be grammatically correct and follow proper journalistic etiquette.

Another way to determine if an article is newsworthy is to look at how the story impacts people. Stories that impact large numbers of people tend to be more newsworthy than stories that affect fewer people. In addition, stories that involve conflict or controversy are more likely to be newsworthy than stories that do not. Finally, the timeliness of the story is important. People are used to getting their news in real-time, so they are less interested in old news.

Once you have determined that a story is newsworthy, it is important to remember that not all news is created equal. Fake news is a major problem in the modern media landscape, and it can be difficult to distinguish between true and false news. Fake news often blends entertainment, opinion, and factual reporting, making it hard for consumers to know what is true and what is not.

In order to spot fake news, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the writing. A good rule of thumb is to check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and excessive use of caps. If the article contains a lot of errors, it is likely that it is not from a reputable source and should be avoided.

Additionally, it is important to look at the context of the story. Is it a political story? Does it have an overly sensational headline? Does it seem to be trying to sway opinion or drive traffic to a website? These are all signs that a story may be fake. When in doubt, always do a quick Google search to see if other reputable sources are reporting on the same event. This will help you avoid spreading blatantly false content and will save you time in the long run.

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