Is Bath Salts Dangerous?

Jan 23, 2021 | Blog

By Gerald

bath salt

Is Bath Salts Dangerous?

Bath salts are an array of designer drugs originally manufactured by Merck & Co. The original name for these products is psychotropic herbs. The original name for these products was bath salt, and it is derived from the process in which they are made. The bath salt, flakes, or crystals are usually similar to Epsom salts, although they differ chemically in many ways.

Historically bath salts have been used in bathtubs as aids to alleviate anxiety and stress. There is no evidence that any adverse health effects have resulted from their use. Today bath salts do not contain any prescription drugs. Consumers can obtain bath salts in stores, online, or through mail order from distributors of natural and herbal dietary supplements.

Consumers purchase bath salts from many sources. Most commonly they purchase them from drug stores. Many manufacturers sell bath salts over the internet. The main source of information about these products is found online, where there are extensive searches conducted by consumers. The Internet has made it easier for many consumers to research bath salts and determine their contents.

At this time there is no known evidence that using bath salts will result in having bath salts or other symptoms. The controversy regarding whether bath salts have any side effects or interactions with other prescription drugs continues. Some critics state that the FDA has not conducted any studies that would confirm or dispute the claims of clinical trials by manufacturers of designer drugs. Proponents of clinical drug research state that there have been several case studies concerning the short term or long term exposure of users to bath salts at concentrations as low as one percent.

In a review of the literature, Dr. David J. Larson, the director of the Division of General Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Texas, reported that there is a correlation between bath salts misuse and paranoia. Dr. Larson stated, “every [have] higher than normal blood pressure, heart problems, vision problems, insomnia, depression, infections, irritability, nausea, runs, and falls.” Other symptoms reported by patients who have used bath salts are dizziness, tingling sensations, insomnia, hyperglycemia, tremors and/or shakes. More common symptoms of bath salt overdose include confusion, hallucinations, coma, respiratory arrest and death. Although bath salts have not been proven to cause such debilitating side effects, the mere presence of bath salts in the home raises serious safety concerns.

The use of bath salts has been the source of attacks by panic attacks sufferers. Two tablespoons of essential oil should be mixed with a half a cup of lukewarm water and used as a foot soak after a bath. Essential oils are generally safe when used as directed. It should be remembered, however, that essential oils can cause allergic reactions if they are ingested. Therefore, a discussion of allergies should also be included in your pre-facial care planning.

When using bath salts, it is important to remember that the longer the solution sits, the darker it will become. You can increase the darkness by adding a few drops of black tea tree oil to the bath water as well as mixing in about two teaspoons of cornstarch. Before adding any of these ingredients to the bath water stir them well so that the cornstarch does not settle to the bottom. When you add the ingredients, stir them until they are totally dissolved. Once dissolved, run a hot, clean running water bath for about twenty seconds.

It is important to understand that bath salts do not contain the cathinones which are found in certain sex-rockets. Bath salts do not have the same effect on the body as bath gels, lotions, creams and other similar “high” products. When you take bath salts, you are merely adding water to an existing chemical that is already present in the body; the bath salt merely allows the existing chemical to become more accessible and concentrated. By this means bath salts do not increase blood pressure and are safe to use even by people who may be taking medications that are known to interact with these chemicals.

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